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link earth turns and wind burns earth turns and wind burns (2024/10/31 8:42:12)

feed Super Cross (2016/4/3 12:31:00)
Since moving, we live very close (walking distance) to Levi stadium, home to the 49ers, I thought it would be fun to go see something there. Heidi's brother races moto-cross, so we got tickets for us all to go watch.

It's pretty amazing how the stadium converts from football field, to concert venue to super cross and more.

Its quite a show, with plenty of special effects.

The racing itself was pretty entertaining, I heard one of the racers say it was a pretty standard 2 -3 course, where they jump two jumps then 3 more before the corner.

They get pretty far up there, considering they are racing while jumping.

The Minnesotan Ryan Dungy took the win quite convincingly.

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