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以前から、このフェアーにG109B D-KJMC(JA2343)をフライインさせたいと言っていたアンドレは、グライダー専用のホールにブースを確保したようです。
The spring has come and Cherry blossoms began to bloom.
yes, the first Cherry tree to blossom was here about one week ago.
Today (and tomorrow) was/will be very warm and sunny.
I talked with Mr. Schell today and he tries to find a schedule to go to
Schönhagen on tuesday morning (by air/private aircraft), ferry the
G109B with Rotax to Friedrichshafen and go back to Tussenhausen.
It is not fixed yet - he has duties for his employer, also - but chances
are not too bad that it will work out.
I try to create/aquire some displays and maybe a handout as "give-away"
for the fair tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday.
Then I plan to go to Schönhagen on Sunday or Monday to do some maintenance
to the Grob, including the change of the tail wheel locking flange which
I got at Grob, today.
So I can meet Mr. Schell there on Tuesday morning.
After the Grob has left the field I'll go to Friedrichshafen by car.
Hopefully - like in 2015 - Friedrich will help with transporting the
goods to Friedrichshafen, otherwhise it would be very difficult to get
everything organized and transported.
Good morning Aiichiro,
”Please let me know the possibility about the ferry from Schoenhagen to Fried=
richsfahen on Tuesday.”
I think the probability increased this sunday, but a most definite
answer will come during tomorrow morning (i.e. at Monday afternoon in
I will be at Schönhagen tomorrow and work on the radio and perhaps the
tail wheel locking device.
”If the D-KJMC will be in Aero, I have to go to there.
I think I can buy the Airline ticket at night of Japanese Tuesday and then I=
will start from Narita on Wednesday and reaching very early morning in Zuri=
OK, I'll sent you an update tomorrow.
And beware, it is quite warm here in Germany at the moment, but for next
Thursday the forecast for the Bodensee-area is about 5°C and about 0°C in
the night.
But after Friday it should get better, again.
”This is my planning in this moment.”
” I can
book Hotel myself if I go to there.”
Understood. Let me know if you need assistance.
(文・中澤 愛一郎)