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link Corinna´s Sky Corinna´s Sky (2025/1/10 10:38:26)

feed Task 4 Italian Open: 109km around 4 turnpoints (2015/7/11 13:34:13)

Task 4 was only 109km, but conditions were more difficult than the days before. Blue sky, weaker, broken lift only up to 3100m and a head wind of up to 25km/h right to the first turnpoint led to a lot of pilots bombing out right after take off.
It took a huge amount of patience to make the first turnpoint at Plose. While Alex, Christian and small group managed to glide directly, a lot of us had to take a detour around the Rodeneck ridge. I was happy to fly with Roland, Gerd and Achim most of the time. Jörg had a good start and was ahead with the leading group!
At the last turnpoint Rodeneck Jörg got stuck and was waiting for a thermal - that one arrived right in time for Roland, Gerd and me to join and finally go to goal :)
Christian Ciech won the day and has a huge lead now on Alex, proving that he is in world champion shape.
Looks like we will get another good last day of the Italian Open today!
Results here.

execution time : 0.004 sec