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2月16日(金曜日) G109+ロータックス (2018/2/17 10:36:01)
Dear Aiichiro,
finally we could continue with flight testing the Rotax Grob.
We had some very good weather for flying yesterday and today and while yesterday we had some problems with the battery (about -6°C on the ground in the night)
we could make a quite successful long flight today, which delivered some promising performance data (preliminary, of course).
We plan to do another flight tomorrow morning if the weather is good, again.
Of course there are small problems with every flight. Today the vent line of the battery came lose in flight and was burned by the exhaust.
I replaced that, also re-positioned the outside-air-temperature sensor and installed new brake linings.
(文・画像 中澤 愛一郎)