Day 4: 109km around the green swamp
Corinna´s Sky
(2025/2/13 22:49:54)
Day 4: 109km around the green swamp (2019/4/25 22:46:49) DHV Report in
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Day 4: 109km around the green swamp (2019/4/25 22:46:49)
Results here
Just a short update, as the day was long and exhausting. We flew around the great swamp, about
20 in goal, Jonny Durand won the day, I got into goal last. I was the champion of finding sink today - if you wanted the best sinklines, just come to me! Sink
as bad as 7m/s!!! In Florida? Quite turbulent, weird thermals. Very strange to fly.
I hope our next task will find better weather!
execution time : 0.004 sec