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link Corinna´s Sky Corinna´s Sky (2025/2/13 22:49:54)

feed Monday Task: Find medical help!!! (2019/4/27 2:02:22)
After a sleepless night with shivers and fever and pain everywhere in my body, I thought one of these mosquitos here gave me Dengue, Chicungunya or Malaria... until I saw what was extremely hurting on my back. I went to briefing with the guys and slowly set my gear up, but was really dizzy. When I showed Raul Guerra my back, he immediately said it looks like spider bites. Looking up the physical effects these bites can have, and the shape of the two hurting spots on my back, it made sense. A few other guys who had seen spider bites looked at it and told me it´s better to take care of it straight away.
So while the others started into their daily task, Sergey took me to a clinic. And another one, cause 5 hrs waiting time were unacceptable! The next clinic sent me to hospital where I cued up for the emergency room. Hours later I finally walked out with a prescription of antibiotics and antiviral pills, cause the doctors couldn´t make up their mind what exactly it was. I might get a result in two days.
Sergey dropped me home and I went straight to sleep, sweating the whole thing out. Meanwhile, our team did excellent - Kevin won the day and moved into 1st place overall, Patrick came 13th into goal and moved up to 10th overall! On a really difficult and blue day, it took them 5 hours to fly around 105 km!
I was sad that I now dropped down to 30th place, but of course health is more important. Just that I felt worse than on the airfield after my 5 hour adventure with American health service. Even in the pharmacy I had to wait more than 30 minutes until they had my medication "ready for pickup"??!!
Anyway, I could sleep well at night, and felt a lot better this morning.

execution time : 0.005 sec