Day 7: 107km around 4 turnpoints
Corinna´s Sky
(2025/1/1 12:14:47)
Day 7: 107km around 4 turnpoints (2015/3/10 13:14:11)
After a well deserved rest day with team dinner and Moyes party, we had another tough day ahead of us today, with beautiful clouds, but also quite high wind speeds. Already in the morning we saw some lenticular, and when I launched, it was the bumpiest air I ever experienced in front of take off in Valle. Ripping up lift next to major sink, not something you want to share with too many others around you...
Of course the first waypoint was due headwind, but the climbs were so strong that it went quite fast. For us light pilots, sure the glides are much harder and I only saw people´s backlights when turning around from the first point. I wanted to get high before going anywhere, because the option of landing in these strong conditions wasn´t appealing. I had a good run to the 2nd and 3rd point around Monarca, but going north towards the last turnpoint and Villa Victoria, I had a bad timing and got low at Amanalco goal. For safety reasons I decided it´s much better to land in that very safe spot in this strong westerly wind, rather than gliding into unknown, hilly terrain on my own.
When I heard reports later from the downhill goal and some dodgy landings on the way there, I was glad I had a flat, green field to fight the 35km/h valley wind.
Christian won the day again, and Roland from our team got in second today! Also Jörg made a good time, and Andre and Achim got there. This good result should get us up a spot or two in the team scores I hope.
On take off, Fabio brough his beautiful hawk up. The bird has a wing that can´t be fixed, so he can´t fly very far unfortunately, but the bird is still just majestic. It was nice to meet a "master" of the air!
Nils (Australia) had a scary landing between some cactuses in a downhill field where he was threatened by some cartel guys, luckily he and his gear got out ok.
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Day 7: 107km around 4 turnpoints (2015/3/10 13:14:11)
After a well deserved rest day with team dinner and Moyes party, we had another tough day ahead of us today, with beautiful clouds, but also quite high wind speeds. Already in the morning we saw some lenticular, and when I launched, it was the bumpiest air I ever experienced in front of take off in Valle. Ripping up lift next to major sink, not something you want to share with too many others around you...
Of course the first waypoint was due headwind, but the climbs were so strong that it went quite fast. For us light pilots, sure the glides are much harder and I only saw people´s backlights when turning around from the first point. I wanted to get high before going anywhere, because the option of landing in these strong conditions wasn´t appealing. I had a good run to the 2nd and 3rd point around Monarca, but going north towards the last turnpoint and Villa Victoria, I had a bad timing and got low at Amanalco goal. For safety reasons I decided it´s much better to land in that very safe spot in this strong westerly wind, rather than gliding into unknown, hilly terrain on my own.
When I heard reports later from the downhill goal and some dodgy landings on the way there, I was glad I had a flat, green field to fight the 35km/h valley wind.
Christian won the day again, and Roland from our team got in second today! Also Jörg made a good time, and Andre and Achim got there. This good result should get us up a spot or two in the team scores I hope.
On take off, Fabio brough his beautiful hawk up. The bird has a wing that can´t be fixed, so he can´t fly very far unfortunately, but the bird is still just majestic. It was nice to meet a "master" of the air!
Nils (Australia) had a scary landing between some cactuses in a downhill field where he was threatened by some cartel guys, luckily he and his gear got out ok.
execution time : 0.004 sec