Norwegian Hanggliding
Norwegian Hanggliding (2024/9/1 20:51:26)
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Norwegian Hanggliding (2024/9/1 20:51:26)
現在データベースには 97 件のデータが登録されています。
Back at Keepit
(2024/1/2 20:26:48)
Had a nice first day at Keepit today, got a check-flight in the morning with Bob from Lasham, did some paperwork, and then I took the LS7 out for a great day
of XC flying. The plan is to stay here for 2 weeks, and then head down to Forbes and fly th ...
Late summer flight
(2023/9/25 6:07:29)
The post Late summer flight appeared first on Norwegian Hanggliding .
The workhorses
(2022/1/6 8:13:42)
The Dragonfly for Hanggliders, and Pawnee for gliders. Photo from last flights of the season, late October with cold but nice weather. The post The workhorses
appeared first on Norwegian Hanggliding .
Spring is here
(2021/5/27 4:36:45)
Today’s weapon of choice, Discus 2b, and a lazy 190km flight under beautiful active clouds. The post Spring is here appeared first on Norwegian
Hanggliding .
Lake Keepit, flying gliders
(2020/1/29 13:03:13)
After flying at Rainbow I headed back south to Lake Keepit to get some flying in gliders again. I drove from Rainbow Beach just before noon and had a quick
stop at Canungra to deliver gliders and gear back at Ollie’s place. The 6+ hours drive from ...
Rainbow Beach
(2020/1/23 11:49:29)
I’ve heardabout this flying site on the Sunshine coast in Queensland many times, and I’vealways wanted to fly the sand dunes at the beach. When Zhenya
mentioned she and Andrey wanted togo there after the competition in Forbes I was super happy t ...
Rainbow Beach, dune gooning
(2020/1/16 20:49:06)
The post Rainbow Beach, dune gooning appeared first on Norwegian Hanggliding .
Forbes 2020, wrapup
(2020/1/14 18:30:42)
When we first came to Forbes and looked at the forecast, it did not look very promising at all, so I’m happy we got 4 out of 8 competition days. The
training day was good, and the weather was ofcourse perfect for a comp day the day after the c ...
Forbes 2020, day 8,task 4
(2020/1/12 14:28:56)
The last day of the comp, we got windy and blue conditions with forecasted weak lift. I needed two tows to get away, and flew the task alone most of the
flight. It was a very quick 95 km flight with a good tailwind. I got to goal with an OK time, I ...
Forbes 2020, day 7
(2020/1/11 9:43:19)
Windy and hot conditions, day cancelled, not safe at all. Massive duststorm came through last night. Here’s how the street outside after dinner was, the
photo does not show the 40knot gusts and 43 degrees heat at 21:30… It was not a plea ...
Forbes 2020, day 6
(2020/1/9 18:19:55)
Made goal, but it was slow going. Had some problems with the harness before takeoff and had to get off the dolly twice before I fixed it. Not very nice to
struggle with stuff like that in 40+ degrees. After a rowdy tow up I met up with a few other p ...
Forbes 2020, day 6.
(2020/1/9 9:17:03)
Looks like similar weather conditions to yesterday, westerlies and high cloudbase, good lift. The post Forbes 2020, day 6. appeared first on Norwegian
Hanggliding .
Forbes 2020, day 5, task 2
(2020/1/9 7:15:44)
We flew a 145km task, crosswind to the south, turning north crosswind to just east of Forbes, and headwind to goal at Bogan gate. Conditions were good, with
3000m cloudbase and some strong lifts here and there. I was back in the towing order since I ...
Forbes 2020, day 5.
(2020/1/8 10:56:36)
Blue and windy, looks like a difficult task today. The post Forbes 2020, day 5. appeared first on Norwegian Hanggliding .
Forbes 2020, day 4 task 1
(2020/1/8 7:19:00)
Windy conditions make it hard for the safety committee to make a final call, and we postponed first briefings and then the towing was delayed several times. In
the end we got off, but way to late to finish the 160km task. Nobody made goal, I was not ...
Forbes 2020, day 2 and 3 cancelled
(2020/1/7 7:16:00)
Too windy and poor visibility due to smoke. The post Forbes 2020, day 2 and 3 cancelled appeared first on Norwegian Hanggliding .
Forbes 2020, day 2, smoke and wind
(2020/1/5 10:58:40)
No task today, the winds are bringing a lot of smoke here, giving us low visibility and there are high winds forcasted for the areas around Forbes, making it
difficult to have a task. Some pilots will fly locally before the winds hit later in the af ...
Forbes 2020, day 1, too windy
(2020/1/4 13:56:44)
As forecast we woke up to strong winds and heat, it was 43 degrees and very gusty already at briefing time at 10:00. The day was cancelled due to too strong
winds. The post Forbes 2020, day 1, too windy appeared first on Norwegian Hanggliding .
Forbes 2020, training day.
(2020/1/3 19:12:55)
Awesome late evening flight, towed up at 18:30, found a few nice smooth thermals and floated around for an hour. Glider goes great, and most of the gear worked
fine, need to adjust the vario a little to get the sound right. Some smoke in the air her ...
From idea to reality
(2019/3/22 7:57:34)
2 years ago I made a new instrument pod and panel for my Dragonfly ultralight plane, the original one was from 1994 and was falling apart after many
modifications. I bought a ready made fiberglass pod, and did some rough cutouts to make a panel for ...
Dalby Big Air 2018, day 5, 6, 7
(2018/4/14 10:26:16)
I woke up to heavy rain on the roof this morning, and it stayed wet all morning so unfortunately we will not fly the final task today. Yesterday was a great
day flying, nice clouds, smooth lift and not much wind. We got a 150km task, towards the sou ...
Dalby Big Air 2018, day 3 and 4
(2018/4/11 11:54:45)
Task 4 is cancelled due to too strong winds. Yesterday we had a triangle-ish task, with a short final glide straight into wind. I had a OK start taking the
first start gate with almost everyone else (20 minute gates). Trent and me flew together towa ...
Dalby 2018, day 2,briefing
(2018/4/9 9:30:00)
Similar condition to yesterday, maybe a bit less wind. The post Dalby 2018, day 2,briefing appeared first on Norwegian Hanggliding .
Dalby 2018, task 1
(2018/4/9 9:12:11)
150km task, some clouds but blue most of the task. I towed early as I was number 3 in the towing order. I did not have the patience to hang around over there
airport and started as one of the first. Flew alone most of the task, met up with Rory just ...
Forbes Flatlands 2018, day 7
(2018/1/5 7:37:31)
Since I was first to tow I got to spend almost 2 hours in the air over the airport before the start of the task. I grouped up with Olav, Attila, Ollie, Tyler,
and a few others, and we stuck around for the second start gate, 20 minutes behind the mai ...
Forbes Flatlands 2018, day 7, at launch.
(2018/1/4 9:53:41)
167km triangle task, via Grenfell, Manildra, and back to the airport. Conditions looking good, no wind at the moment. I won the early bird lottery, so
I’m first in my towing line today. The post Forbes Flatlands 2018, day 7, at launch. appeare ...
Forbes Flatlands 2018, day 6
(2018/1/4 8:41:04)
Blue and windy conditions on day 6, late briefing and start due to the long task the day before, many pilots were not home until 4am. The task was 144km dogleg
via Tomingley to Wellington, first downwind then crosswind. Again there was no time for u ...
Forbes Flatlands, Day 5, (k)not to be.
(2018/1/2 16:22:06)
I could not fly yesterday, we had some logistical problems after the car broke down, and I did not get the retrieve seat I thought I would due to
communications problems. I was ditched in our house, and spent the day there, bummer. Since I scored 0 ...
Forbes Flatlands 2018, day 5 at launch
(2018/1/2 10:13:02)
Looking good The post Forbes Flatlands 2018, day 5 at launch appeared first on Norwegian Hanggliding .
Forbes Flatlands 2018, day 5, briefing
(2018/1/2 8:22:16)
Looooong task today, 388km from Forbes to Manilla. Phew. The post Forbes Flatlands 2018, day 5, briefing appeared first on Norwegian Hanggliding .
Forbes Flatlands 2018, day 3, bloody eagles, outlanding, roostrike
(2018/1/1 8:34:26)
Forbes Flatlands 2018, day 3, bloody eagles, outlanding, roostrike Day 3 saw good flying conditions with fairly light winds and blue skies. We got a 176km task
towards the south via two turnpoints, and first start at 13:30. I had a OK start with mos ...
Forbes Flatlands 2018, day 2, outlanding.
(2017/12/30 18:34:26)
It got windy, 35-40km/h, and not the good downwind windy, but crosswind windy,so it was slow progress on the task. I had a OK start taking the second startgate
with a group of 5-6 other gliders. We had a few nice thermals, pushing into the wind to s ...
Forbes Flatlands 2018, day 2 at launch.
(2017/12/30 11:50:39)
Looking good after some heavy rain last night. Today’s task is 138km straight to Trangie. With late start at 15:00, and predicted mellow conditions it
should be challenging enough. The post Forbes Flatlands 2018, day 2 at launch. appeared firs ...
Forbes flatlands 2018, day 1
(2017/12/29 15:05:20)
Arriving in Sydney on the 27. I had the luxury of being picked up by Olav Opsanger directly from the airport. He’s been in Australia some weeks already
and had everything sorted with car and gear. We drove straight to the airfield in Forbes an ...
Brasilia Worlds 2017, final tasks, out of the race.
(2017/8/19 3:34:52)
The flying conditions have been difficult the last days of the comp, with strong inversions making it hard to get decent height over the terrain and broken
weak lift. We had a few tasks with nobody in goal, and one with just one pilot making goal. I ...
Brasilia Worlds 2017, Task 6, Smokin’
(2017/8/15 11:16:56)
Todays forecast was similar to yesterday, but it turned out to be worse conditions than forecasted and hard to stay up. We got a task to Weber goal we had on
the first day, via a few turnpoints where there was a forest fire producing large amounts o ...
Brasilia Worlds 2017, Task 4 and 5
(2017/8/14 10:58:49)
I was getting ready to take off on task 4 and had my trusty old Compeo+/6030 programmed and ready for the task. I mounted the instrument pod to the basebar,
turned it on, and noticed that the screen froze, and no sound. There was no reaction to keyp ...
Brasilia Worlds 2017, Task 3
(2017/8/12 20:41:50)
No goal today, I landed out around halfway into the 134km task, pushing into the wind. I was on glide to a gaggle of gliders circling in front of me and
ignored one area of weak lift, but then got punished for my optimism and found just enough sink ...
Brasilia Worlds 2017, Task 2
(2017/8/11 10:34:48)
Day 2 and a 123km task back to the goal at Espanalada in Brasilia, the first pilot off the hill was Wolfi, into a bad cycle with very weak conditions that left
him on the ground in 10 minutes. The launch was then closed for a while due to crosswind, ...
Brasilia Worlds 2017, Task 1
(2017/8/10 11:10:04)
It was quite a good day to start off the worlds, with blue skies, calm winds and very high cloudbase at over 3500 meters. We got a task of 107km out and almost
return, with goal close to Planantina. Despite having a total of 134 competition pilots o ...
Brasilia Worlds 2017, tracking links
(2017/8/9 5:12:08)
We are not using individual Airtribune trackers for the Worlds 2017, as we all have the official trackers from the organizer that should work just as well.
The official tracking also show the task map. Click on the link below to get the live track ...
Brasilia Worlds 2017
(2017/8/7 9:24:37)
So one year later, we made it back to Brasilia to fly the Worlds. The team this year is Olav Opsanger, Johnny Nilssen and me. We arrived two days ago, flew a
nice practice flight yesterday, and did registration and admin stuff today. Tomorrow is ano ...
Brasilia Pre-Worlds 2016, day 7
(2016/9/4 13:34:54)
It was very windy from the morning when we got up to have breakfast, and it did not calm down much. We measured 70km/h gusts on takeoff and average over
50km/h. So unfortunately the last day was cancelled.
Brasilia Pre-Worlds 2016, day 6
(2016/9/3 10:48:32)
Today was very windy at takeoff, and the launch was postponed 1 hour while the winds calmed down a bit. It was OK to launch, but I spent too much time getting
up and had to take a bad start about 5 minutes after everyone else. The flight was OK and ...
Brasilia pre-Worlds 2016, day 5
(2016/9/2 0:10:19)
Looks like a good day today, no problems with crosswind, not much wind at all in fact. Forecast for big clouds and some showers in the afternoon. Task is 118km
back to land at the Esplanada.
Brasilia pre-Worlds 2016, day 4
(2016/9/1 1:58:00)
Task cancelled, launch conditions were not good due to crosswind. Erland and Nils packing up
Brasilia pre-Worlds 2016, day 4
(2016/8/31 23:48:23)
Some more high clouds moving in over us today, but should be an ok day. Task is 88km.
Brasilia Pre-Worlds, day 3.
(2016/8/31 9:25:04)
I got sick last night and did not fly today, I went to takeoff and set up, but I did not get well enough to fly. Puking inside a full face helmet is not my
idea of fun… Only Olav Lien and Bjørn Joakimsen made goal from our team, the sky looke ...
Brasilia Pre-Worlds, day 2
(2016/8/30 7:35:39)
We had a mostly blue day today, with some good thermals between all the broken and weak thermals trying to get through the inversion. I got off into nice lift,
and met up with the whole team taking the first start clock at 13:20. We all had a good r ...
Brasilia pre-Worlds 2016, day 2
(2016/8/29 23:42:54)
Briefing now, similar task to yesterday 109km, with forecasted similar conditions, but drier air with less clouds.
Brasilia Pre-Worlds 2016, day 1
(2016/8/29 9:43:44)
It was pretty good racing and strong conditions until til first TP and back towards start. The whole team had a good start, but Olav Lien Olsen was pushing a
bit hard and landed close to the first TP. Olav Opsanger and I had a fast flight back to th ...
Brasilia pre-Worlds 2016, day 1.
(2016/8/28 23:42:26)
We flew a short test task yesterday, and went to the opening ceremony and mandatory safety briefing. It’s around 100 pilots here, and the weather
forecast is pretty good for the coming days. Setting up at launch we can see the first cumulus cl ...
Brasilia open 2016, day 7
(2016/8/25 0:02:37)
Yesterday turned out to be a fairly good day, it was quite weak thermals early so we all hung out in big gaggles waiting for the second start gate at 1340, for
the 84km task. I flew with Erland until the first TP, while Olav took a different line an ...
Brasilia open 2016, day 6
(2016/8/23 23:55:15)
Yesterday turned out to be very stable and difficult for flying, nobody got far and there were some very late retrieves from the valley below takeoff. We got
picked up early by our excellent driver Felipe. Today should be better conditions, but it f ...
Brasilia open 2016, day 5
(2016/8/22 23:41:15)
Yesterday wasn’t flyable due to a front passage, so we had a day for rest and relaxation. Today looks very nice, temperature had dropped 10 degrees over
night, and winds should be light. Team Norway in fluo colours.
Brasilia open 2016, day 3.
(2016/8/21 3:10:00)
84km task, but the weather demons said NOPE! Day cancelled.
Brasilia open 2016, day 3 at launch
(2016/8/20 23:42:45)
A bit cross wind at takeoff today, we hope it will be launchable.
Live tracking, Brasilia Open and Pre-Worlds
(2016/8/20 10:18:09)
Follow us on Airtribune; Øyvind Ellefsen Olav Opsanger Erland Åmot Olav Lien Olsen (Only Pre-Worlds) Bjørn Joakimsen (Only Pre-Worlds) SPOT tracklogs;
Øyvind Ellefsen Olav Lien Olsen (Only Pre-Worlds)
Brasilia Open 2016, task 1 and 2
(2016/8/20 10:09:52)
Olav Opsanger, Erland Åmot, Georgia and me are in Brasilia to fly the Brasilian Championships and the Pre-Worlds here. Two competitions in a row to get plenty
of practice and experience for next year’s worlds. We are traveling with our hanggl ...
Vågå open 2016
(2016/6/25 6:29:35)
We had a few good days of flying but not that many taskable days because of unfavorable weather conditions. Yesterday was the best day so far, with a 90 km
task down the valley. Conditions were OK with 2500m cloudbase, but quite broken and difficult ...
Winter flying II
(2016/3/11 7:52:54)
I got a short but nice flight last weekend, landing on the frozen Steinsfjorden. I did not expect to be the only one flying this day as it was super nice.
Walked across the fjord to Vik and back with Georgia to get a waffle with strawberry jam and s ...
Winter flying
(2016/2/16 0:38:17)
Thick cold and still winter air is perfect for Rotax-assisted flight. Had a nice nav-training flight with the Zenair 601 this weekend, it has cockpit heat so
it’s a bit less chilly than the Dragonfly in -15 degrees. We met some low clouds over ...
Forbes 2016, day 8
(2016/1/9 18:14:17)
Another great day for racing hanggliders, with strong thermals and high cloudbase. I was up early to do a quick spin training session with Bobby in the
Dragonfly, and it was very windy in the morning. I was suprised that we got a triangle task, but ...
Forbes 2016, day 8, at takeoff
(2016/1/9 10:30:40)
140’ish triangle task today, good forecast with some high cu’s popping up on the sky.
Forbes 2016, day 6 and 7
(2016/1/8 21:17:55)
We were home at 03:00 after day 6, so I’ve not had time to write up any details here so far. I’ll summarize the long 370km flight in a separate
post sometime soon. Quickly on day 7 – Classic Forbes racing conditions, but very cold. ...
Forbes 2016, images from a long flight.
(2016/1/8 21:03:01)
After the startgate Last thermal of the day On final glide over the endless Australian flatlands Sunset landing.
Forbes 2016, day 7, briefing
(2016/1/8 8:24:42)
A slightly tired group of pilots at briefing today. 138km task, crosswind via 1 tp. Less wind in the afternoon.
Forbes 2016, day 6, briefing
(2016/1/7 8:13:19)
Wow, 364km task today! Strong southerly winds, straight to Walget.
Forbes 2016, day 5 task summary
(2016/1/6 20:57:12)
As we were setting up at the “Bill Moyes International Airport”, we saw a area of overcast and rain moving towards us creating shade just as the
first pilots were towing up. I was way back in line to tow at 21. position in the green line ...
Forbes 2016, day 5, briefing
(2016/1/6 20:41:01)
The weather cleared up last afternoon and we have partly cloudy skies this morning, with fairly strong winds on the ground. Should be taskable today, but it is
borderline with the windstrenght at the moment. 170km task straight to goal.
Forbes 2016, day 5, at launch
(2016/1/6 10:16:32)
Windy but still launchable. Goal is 170km in this direction.
Forbes 2016, day 4, briefing
(2016/1/5 8:05:30)
Rain all night, no task today, should improve a little until tomorrow, but not fantastic prognosis yet.
Forbes 2016, day 3 briefing
(2016/1/4 8:19:58)
Blue skies this morning despite the forecast. Looks like a taskable day, but there’s lots of clouds moving in from the north at the moment. The task is
145km downwind to Lake Cargelico.
Live Tracking Forbes 2016
(2016/1/4 7:24:28)
Follow us on Airtribune; Øyvind Ellefsen Thomas Lindal Olav Opsanger Erland Åmot Olav Lien Olsen SPOT tracklogs; Olav Lien Olsen Øyvind Ellefsen Thomas
Forbes 2016, task 2 summary
(2016/1/3 20:56:20)
The forecasts were quite bad for flying for today, and we had rain and gusts waking me up during the night, so when we woke up to completely overcast skies,
wind and cold temperatures, nobody thought we would be flying. The task briefing showed some ...
Forbes 2016, briefing day 2
(2016/1/3 20:10:47)
Worse weather forecast than yesterday, 113km task via the infamous Suck TP.
Forbes 2016, day 2 at goal
(2016/1/3 16:13:04)
The whole team at goal. Extra fun for Erland, it was his first time making goal!
Forbes 2016, day 2, at goal.
(2016/1/3 14:02:18)
Unbelievable that we flew 113km in total overcast. Lots of pilot made it, Olav, Olav and Me so far, but the rest of the team is still in the air.
Forbes 2016, day 1.
(2016/1/2 14:08:31)
And 40min later we were on the ground, 12km from takeoff. Too much clouds and some rain.
Forbes 2016, Briefing day 1
(2016/1/2 8:36:51)
Grey skies today, but we’re on! 126km task, out and return via 3 TP.
Forbes 2016, Training days
(2016/1/1 21:36:02)
Yesterday was my first hangglider flight since Arizona in September, getting hooked in to the towline behind the dragonfly, go go go, 3 minutes later I release
into a huge thermal that average over 5 m/s and go straight up to 2800 meters. How good i ...
As summers roll by
(2015/10/16 5:09:37)
So another Nordic flying season comes to an end, I even got to have one memorable (and personal best XC open distance) flight in Norway from Espesetra to
Hamar, in between cancelled competition tasks and generally unpredictable weather. I got to fly ...
Forbes 2015 – Final results
(2015/1/10 6:55:16)
So it’s all over, flying muscles are sore, but I wish we could start all over again tomorrow. We had a great time in the sky and on the ground, thanks to
Vicki, Moyes, tugpilots, all the voulenteers and all pilots and crew, you made it all pos ...
Forbes 2015 – Day 8
(2015/1/9 7:44:39)
Another day with chance of storms and stopped task, but it turned out good in the end as the storms stayed just far enough away for us to complete the short
task. I broke a weaklink towing, and had to land an get another tow, I then found very weak ...
Forbes 2015 – Day 7
(2015/1/8 8:56:23)
Difficult to predict the weather in the morning, and the first triangle task was changed due to much more wind than forecasted. We got a dogleg task south-west
of 158km. I got a OK start taking the first gate, and flew in a gaggle with Atilla, Gerol ...
Forbes 2016 – Day 6
(2015/1/7 8:36:34)
Day 4 and 5 were cancelled due to bad weather, we had lots of rainfall soaking the ground, and that made conditions a bit slower than previous days. The task
was 250km heading west, with 2 turnpoints to keep us out of the worst bush without roads. V ...
Forbes 2015 – Day 4
(2015/1/4 8:59:29)
We get a rest day today, the weather has turned ugly with a trough and associated thunderstorms passing over us today. It was windy from the morning and
building clouds already at 8:30. The dustdevil that tricked me on day 2, this photo is at around ...
Forbes 2015 – Day 3
(2015/1/3 20:41:57)
Another great day in the sky! We got a 191km task, heading south west with two turnpoints to keep us out of airspace around Temora and West Wyalong. Conditions
were windy, and the forecast was for lower base and weaker lift than yesterday. I was one ...
Forbes 2015 – Day 2
(2015/1/3 8:49:27)
We woke up to blue skies, but quite windy conditions. The forecast was for winds to die down during the day, but strong chance of overdevelopment near Forbes.
So the task was set to take us away from the bad weather, 185km. I took the first startgat ...
Forbes 2015 – Day 1
(2015/1/2 7:45:49)
Newyears day, and first task of 145km via two turnpoints to Manildra north east of forbes. We got good conditions, mostly blue but some clouds towards the end
of the tast. After hanging out in the start circle I took the second start gate, but ̶ ...
Forbes 2015, practice day
(2014/12/31 17:41:23)
I landed in Sydney at around 07:10 yesterday, met with Thomas who had some problems getting his glider through customs, and helped him to get all that sorted
and loaded so we could drive to Forbes. We met the rest of the team there, Olav Opsanger, O ...
2014 Santa Cruz Flats Race, day 7
(2014/9/22 7:20:33)
The last day, and finally I get the glider going straight, and my GoPro started working again after playing dead for a week. Wohoo! Setup line last day The
task was a triangle of 102km, going southwest and then northeast away from the potential over ...
execution time : 0.173 sec