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feed Stories of Yesterday in link Jamie Wanders (2015/1/3 8:14:06)
Stories of Yesterday
The gust front we drove home through last night was the widest one I have ever seen - I LOVE the exciting weather in Forbes. It turned the sky (and everything else) a golden brown. We stopped at one point on a eucalyptus lined road to jump out a get ...
feed Forbes 2015 - Task 2 in link The Daily Thermal (2015/1/3 7:51:22)
Forbes 2015 - Task 2
The task committee couldn't have created a better task yesterday. RASP predicted thunderstorms in our area and our task slalomed 50 km through the Cu-Nimbs (thunderstorms clouds) into the most perfect soaring skies for the last 100 km. The race went ...
feed Bear Valley in link earth turns and wind burns (2015/1/3 3:01:00)
Bear Valley
We left Maddy behind with Grandma to go see Lance and his family and play in the snow for a day. The weather forecast wasn't that great but these days opertunities are limited. So we jumped on it :) We went up to Bear Valley, but with the wind only ...
feed YMCA宿泊の変更、キャンセル締め切り in link AEROS News - Topair information (2015/1/2 19:20:10)
feed Forbes Flatlands - Day 2 in link Jamie Wanders (2015/1/2 17:57:49)
Forbes Flatlands - Day 2
Awesome call on both the weather and the task! The forecast called for quite a lot of overdevelopment around the area, especially in Forbes by mid-afternoon. The task committee (Jonny, Atilla and Gerolf) found a narrow corridor to the south (which w ...
feed 今年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 in link モーターグライダー (2015/1/2 11:29:43)
新しい年になりました。昨年はムーニーに乗せていただき、5月は長崎県福江島、10月は岡山県笠岡へと同行させていただいたり、9月はモグラで東京湾海蛍上空まで飛んだり、空の ...
feed あけましておめでとうございます in link 男前ネコと空男 (2015/1/2 8:59:36)
つい先日「あけおめことよろー 」 とか言っていた気がするのですが… 年々加速度的に歳を重ねていくような感じです。 あらためまして、 あけましておめでとうございます。どう ...
feed A quick note on the first task in link The Daily Thermal (2015/1/2 7:49:21)
The first task was 130 km 'hook' task (70 km downwind, 45 cross and 15 upwind). My launch was quite rough, hitting a thermal at 100 m above the ground, which forced me to release from the tug. But it was good enough to thermal up to 2500 m above the ...
feed Forbes 2015 – Day 1 in link Norwegian Hanggliding (2015/1/2 7:45:49)
Newyears day, and first task of 145km via two turnpoints to Manildra north east of forbes. We got good conditions, mostly blue but some clouds towards the end of the tast. After hanging out in the start circle I took the second start gate, but &#822 ...
feed Day 1 Pictures in link Jamie Wanders (2015/1/1 19:31:38)
feed Forbes Flatlands 2015 - Task 1 in link Jamie Wanders (2015/1/3 8:24:57)
Forbes Flatlands 2015 - Task 1
Great way to start off the year! Nearly half the field made the 144km task to Manilda. Launch started off a bit on the slow side with the final few competitors launching after the first start clock. But, everyone got on course fine and for those in ...
feed 謹賀新年 in link けいぶんの「そらみたことか!」 (2015/1/1 10:45:33)
タヌの森から見た初日の出 皆さん、あけましておめでとうございます。今年は去年より航空廃人業務に精を出し楽しく安全に飛びましょう(笑) 2015年元旦
feed 明けましておめでとうございます in link TAKIKAWA SKYPARK.JP (2015/1/1 17:36:38)
feed Forbes 2015 about to start in link The Daily Thermal (2015/1/1 8:33:44)
Forbes 2015 about to start
The 2015 Forbes flatlands comp is about to start. We have a 130 km task to start with. Cumi's are predicted, so that should make everybody happy :-) The last two days we had some good practice flying. The day before yesterday was spent using tuning ...
feed Feliz Año Nuevo from Forbes in link Jamie Wanders (2015/1/1 8:17:26)
Feliz Año Nuevo from Forbes
It wouldn't feel like the new year if I wasn't in Forbes. After a glorious stop in Fiji for a few days, I'm here looking after my favorite Italians and Wonka boys Filippo, Tullio and Zac. The landscape is a tad greener than the past few years, but t ...
feed 2014まとめ in link Hypothesis and proof (2015/1/1 3:42:06)
◆ 総括、
feed 2014まとめ in link Hypothesis and proof (2015/1/1 3:42:06)
◆ 総括、
feed 141231 非公式国内距離記録棚卸し in link Hypothesis and proof (2015/1/1 3:36:00)
feed 141231 非公式国内距離記録棚卸し in link Hypothesis and proof (2015/1/1 3:36:00)
feed 新年のごあいさつ in link バリ島パラグライダー暮らし (2015/1/1 0:14:31)
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