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feed Forbes Flatlands - Last Task in link Jamie Wanders (2015/1/8 17:45:06)
Forbes Flatlands - Last Task
Fantastic last task today. It all started with a bit of grumbling over the task setting. The committee decided to have predetermined stop at 4:30 for safety reasons. The forecast looked identical to yesterday and they were quite sure it would overde ...
feed Forbes 2015 - Final Task in link The Daily Thermal (2015/1/8 17:19:29)
We had a great day out today. A 115 km task was set and the thunderstorms allowed us to complete the task. There was only one big one 30 km N of goal, but we never got into trouble. I raced for dear life today and overcooked it near the first turnpo ...
feed 新年とっくにあけましておめでとうございました! in link 空好きキドちゃん (2015/1/8 16:24:53)
皆さん、こんにちは~ヾ(・ω・) 寝正月 です。 ググってみたらお正月は寝て過ごすのが福だそうです。 お正月から早起きして忙しくしてると貧乏になるそうです。 皆さんはどんな ...
feed Forbes 2015 – Day 7 in link Norwegian Hanggliding (2015/1/8 8:56:23)
Difficult to predict the weather in the morning, and the first triangle task was changed due to much more wind than forecasted. We got a dogleg task south-west of 158km. I got a OK start taking the first gate, and flew in a gaggle with Atilla, Gerol ...
feed Quick note on task 4 and 5 in link The Daily Thermal (2015/1/8 7:40:48)
Task 4 was a 255 km task to Gunbar (50 km short of Hay). There wasn't much wind and I lost a lot of time being low early in the task. Made it to goal together with 28 others which is definitely a strong performance for the group. Lots of people with ...
feed Forbes Flatlands - Task 5 in link Jamie Wanders (2015/1/7 17:53:48)
Forbes Flatlands - Task 5
The task committee originally called a triangle to the north with the first let into the wind. Not everyone necessarily understood that, but it didn't matter because out at the tow paddock the north wind was stronger than expected and they quickly r ...
feed Forbes 2016 – Day 6 in link Norwegian Hanggliding (2015/1/7 8:36:34)
Day 4 and 5 were cancelled due to bad weather, we had lots of rainfall soaking the ground, and that made conditions a bit slower than previous days. The task was 250km heading west, with 2 turnpoints to keep us out of the worst bush without roads. V ...
feed Forbes Flatlands - Task 4 in link Jamie Wanders (2015/1/7 7:03:32)
Forbes Flatlands - Task 4
Looooong task and a long day overall. They called a 258km task out to the west (toward Hay). The drive along course line takes you through almost nothing, just lots of Australian outback. Drivers were warned at the briefing to fuel up anyplace we sa ...
feed Pinnacles in link earth turns and wind burns (2015/1/7 1:04:00)
New Years Day, we set off for Pinnacles National Park . The scenery is fantastic, it's not too far away and with a 3 wheeler it's has some challenges, something I enjoy. It has some interesting geology too. It is half the insides of the Neenach volc ...
feed 九州だっ! in link デリカ・De・ノート (2015/1/6 23:09:12)
今年も年末年始で九州ツアーに行ってきました! PFC はだっち、みの、よっしー、つだちゃん、だいすけ、えの、まっちょ、自分で 8 人 29 日(月) 朝 9 時半グライダーを積み込み出発 ...
feed Day at the pool in link The Daily Thermal (2015/1/5 20:22:44)
Day at the pool
Yesterday we had storms and today would have been flyable, but the paddock was too wet to be able to tow us up. So we spent a nice day at the pool. Tomorrow is expected to be a big day.
feed Some Pics from Day 3 in link Jamie Wanders (2015/1/5 10:16:54)
Yesterday and today were canned because of thunderstorms. All should be back to HOT and normal tomorrow and looks like for the rest of the competition. Meanwhile, here are a few more pictures.
feed Forbes 2015 - Task 3 in link The Daily Thermal (2015/1/5 6:54:23)
Forbes 2015 - Task 3
Task 3 brought us the fastest air I've ever flown. 30-40 km/h winds with 4-5 m/s thermals ensured the 192 km task was undercalled. Johnny made goal in 2,5 hours (75 km/h average), I arrived 5 minutes later in 14th place , resulting in 5th overall . ...
feed 東京グライダークラブ 利用料金一部改定 in link 楽しいソアリング (2015/1/4 13:53:06)
feed 2015YMCA宿泊-最終 in link Topair Expert Flying (2015/1/4 9:22:00)
YMCA宿泊1/9金1/10土1/11日 選手割引合計 B-1鈴木博司411041104110-100011,330 鈴木みきこ411041104110-100011,330 鈴木みゆ411041104110 12,330 松田晃明411041104110-100011,330 西村和好411041104110-100011,330 堀口道明411041 ...
feed Forbes 2015 – Day 4 in link Norwegian Hanggliding (2015/1/4 8:59:29)
We get a rest day today, the weather has turned ugly with a trough and associated thunderstorms passing over us today. It was windy from the morning and building clouds already at 8:30. The dustdevil that tricked me on day 2, this photo is at around ...
feed Forbes Flatlands - Day 3 in link Jamie Wanders (2015/1/4 8:45:50)
Forbes Flatlands - Day 3
What a day!! Seriously under-called task, but 40 very happy pilots at goal yesterday. The cloud streets lined up so perfectly that I couldn't catch them even at 140km/hour on the highway. It was one of those classic Forbes days and it's just a pity ...
feed Forbes 2015 – Day 3 in link Norwegian Hanggliding (2015/1/3 20:41:57)
Another great day in the sky! We got a 191km task, heading south west with two turnpoints to keep us out of airspace around Temora and West Wyalong. Conditions were windy, and the forecast was for lower base and weaker lift than yesterday. I was one ...
feed 飛行はじめ~ in link けいぶんの「そらみたことか!」 (2015/1/5 12:50:44)
今日は 非行 飛行はじめです~ でも、風の予報は強い北西風・・・・ RJAA 030341Z 29015G25KT 260V320 9999 FEW030 07/M11 Q1013 WS R34R RMK 1CU030 A2993 飛行場に行くと数人のクラブ員が既にクラブハウスで ...
feed Forbes 2015 – Day 2 in link Norwegian Hanggliding (2015/1/3 8:49:27)
We woke up to blue skies, but quite windy conditions. The forecast was for winds to die down during the day, but strong chance of overdevelopment near Forbes. So the task was set to take us away from the bad weather, 185km. I took the first startgat ...
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